A Hard Day At The Office For This Essential

Today was the longest day ever at work. It was the usual 8-hour but it was dragging excessively. I hate having days like today. Days, where the time feels like it’s standing still. The office was much more busier today. Yesterday we had a meeting with my manager and the Director of the department.We are not being laid off thankfully. Since our call volume has dramatically decreased due to COVID-19, each employee is scheduled a day off every other week. I am very okay with that and PTO will cover the day, yay! My scheduled day off is next Wednesday and i’m ready for it.

Today was a day of tons of mistakes for me at the office. I would not want to do my job at home I ask too many questions as new scheduler. I still rely very much on my peers for assistance. My manager has told me over that I’ve been an awesome asset to the company and that she’s super happy with me. But there are days like to day when I have to wonder if I really know what I am supposed to be doing.

On top of everything else, I wasn’t feeling my best. I’ve had an occasional headache here and there. Also, a cough that I’ve began that was attacking me at work and made it difficult to talk efficiently with my patients on the phone. Here I am asking the patient’s screening questions for the COVID-19 while trying to back my own cough. I imagine them spraying down their phone with Lysol on the other end.

But yeah it’s been incredibly hard focusing on work and attempting to go through a normal work day while the world is anything but ordinary at the moment. I think that’s why my brain wasn’t quite at the office and I kept making so many mistakes that under normal circumstances I’d catch myself before doing them. While I am counting my lucky stars that I continue having a job and a full-time paycheck to bring home to my family I still can not wait for that day off. I just want to sleep in with my little family and enjoy a day of being home.

Thanks For Reading 🙂

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