What A Week It Has Been!

This has to be the cruddiest week that I have gone through in quite some time. It has been a roller coaster of emotions with tons of dilemmas one after the next… All while the great state of Florida is getting seriously high with the COVID cases. I live among idiots.


My younger brother went to the urgent care about two weeks ago due to 2 bumps on an arm. They looked like swollen lymph nodes. After sending him to a radiology imaging facility to get an ultrasound of the arm he did not get any results of the ultrasound until this past Monday. He went to see a Dermatalogist that conformed those are tumors. Tomorrow he has a follow up with a plastic surgeon because they need to be surgically removed and then a biopsy will be performed. I don’t know what to think of all this but we are hopeful and praying for the best outcome of this situation.


After following my brother’s diagnosis I felt sad and depressed. But I’ve also been feeling ill myself. I’ve had some urinary issues that I haven’t addressed. I thought it would be good to get checked out and maybe get some antibiotics. I went to one of urgent cares, the same one that gave me the 14 day quarantine note from March, to see a doctor. After providing a specimen I though UTI must be the problem. The MD said that I have lots of blood in my urine. We’re treating it as a UTI but he wants me to follow up with a Urologist because he thought it was quite extensive the amount of blood in my urine. I am on my the last of my antibiotics today and I feel better but I think it may be more of a UTI that I am dealing with. I will listen to the doctor and follow up with a specialist here soon.


I returned to work and immediately broke down in front of my manager. I did not think that i’d straight up cry in front of her. Since Monday I have been a mess and I guess it was time to let it all out. She was so understanding and supportive. I have the best manager, she’s great. I also found out that a fellow team member tested positive for the virus. The first case in our department. I am thankful we have implemented the rule of masks since the beginning of June. Having a team member test positive makes it that much real of this cursed COVID.


My dad finds out that a co-worker of his too has tested positive for the virus. He is fortunate that the co-worker found out in time to get quarantined. They use masks at the facility. I am hoping that they shut down for a few weeks to get the place disinfected. I don’t see that happening.


This was the most normal day of the week. TGIF!!!!


My daughter had her COVID test done for her surgery this upcoming Monday. This darn test was the thing keeping me up all these days. I’ve seen people get the test done and it looks so uncomfortable. How is my little girl going to deal with this?! How am I going to deal with it? I was dreading this day which I only found out on Tuesday that she had to get tested 3-4 days before the surgery. I guess it was better that I was only panicking for a few days. I thought they were going to do the test the day of but no… She did great. IT was fast and easy. I sat her on my lap. The nurse was sweet and friendly. I put my left arm across her chest and my right arms tipped her head back. In 10 second the test was done. She cried for 20 seconds from the obvious discomfort but that was it! I was so relieved…


To put the cherry on top of a fantastic year, I mean week, I broke my phone. I have broken my phones in the past but not like this time around. It smashed on the floor and it was done. The screen is smashed and pixelated. I don’t know how T-Mobile will be able to save my videos and pictures that I did not transfer to my SD card. I am beyond pissed! I need my phone for tomorrow for the surgery. My fiancee can’t be in the hospital and of course wants to get updates on our baby. Hopefully we can get to T-mobile today before they close. It has been such a crappy week.

Tomorrow my baby girl will get her dermoid cyst removed. I am very nervous but thankful that it’s finally happening. I hope this week goes a ton better than this past week. Please, prayers are gladly appreciated and will be well received for my daughter and my brother… It’s all in God’s hands.

Thanks For Reading


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